I wanted to know about the hair straigthener Chi. Is it really worth the money because they are a little pricey. How long does it last? Does the Chi infusion stuff work too? I would really like to know what y'all think! Thanks!!!
Hair question for the hair straighteners out there?
Yes! I love my Chi! It took me forever to find a good straightner since my hair is so wild and now I can get my hair nice and straight. They are a bit pricey, but they do really work. My hair stays straight through out the day and night if I don't wash it before then. Hm, I don't use the infusion, but I use the Matrix spray for straightening and it helps if my hair is particulary frizzy. However, if your hair isn't really curly, but more so wavy or just has a few kinks you can probably find a cheaper one that works for you. Like I know my friend has wavyish hair and her conair works for her. It just depends on how curly or wavy your hair is.
Hair question for the hair straighteners out there?
It much better to get it done in the shop becuase the striaghters are expensive and sometimes dont even work
Hair question for the hair straighteners out there?
I have the Chi. I love it. It works for me. There probably is a just as good one that is cheaper.
Hair question for the hair straighteners out there?
I had a Chi and LOVED it! It recently broke (son threw it) so I bought a cheap one from Wal-Mart. It is a ceramic plate one and looks like the Chi.....trust me........there IS a difference. The Chi works a thousand times better and is worth the money. One of my students told me she bought hers from overstock for only 75 dollars. Hope this helps!
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