Monday, November 16, 2009

CHI or Paul Mitchell hair straightenters?

i always straighten my hair, and the cheap drugstore hair straighteners never work, so please don't recommend the wet to straight, revlon, or anything. They don't work.

But recently, my sister went to college and took our hair straightener that we shared. I'm looking into buying a CHI or Paul Mitchell.

Does anyone have an opinion on which is better? I haven't heard much about the paul is it?


CHI or Paul Mitchell hair straightenters?

I personally love the CHI. All of the stylists in my salon, including myself, all use it. Its worth every penny.

CHI or Paul Mitchell hair straightenters?

Paul mitchell is the best !!!IT WORKS PERFECTLY and it doesnt damage your hair,it has diffrent heat settings,perfect

CHI or Paul Mitchell hair straightenters?

i have both and they work oh so well. i use the paul mitchel more because it protects my hair a lill while im striaghtening it. and because my CHI is broken. but they are both really good. i recommend both

CHI or Paul Mitchell hair straightenters?

sorri, i haven't heard of either... but the best by far has got to be ghd, i know sum1 hu has 1. its wiked! ive got andrew collinge... wudn't recommend it though ;)

CHI or Paul Mitchell hair straightenters?


Everyone that I know who has a Chi is absoloutely in love with it!!!

Just watch out for Fhi. It's the rip off of Chi!!!

So yeah, Chi all the way.

CHI or Paul Mitchell hair straightenters?

CHI is amazing, I swear. Haven't heard much about the Paul Mitchell ones though.

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